Mastering how to play premium starting hands is undoubtedly one of the cornerstones of developing a solid strategy in No-Limit Texas Hold’em Poker. That point is particularly pertinent in emerging gaming destinations such as the Middle East, where casino players may not be familiar with the nuances of the game. The fundamentals of hand selection can be the difference between success and failure for players who fancy trying online poker in Kuwait or elsewhere in the region. In simple terms, premium hands can help to simplify decision-making early in the game, so the significance of perfecting this strategy cannot be overemphasized. Read on as we explore premium starting hands to assess what they are, why they matter and how to use them most effectively at the poker table.
Introducing Premium Starting Hands
Premium starting hands are the strongest pre-flop combinations in Texas Hold’em. The No-Limit variant of the game has 169 unique starting hands so it is important to understand how they differ.
Starting hands include 13 different pocket pairs from deuces up to aces and receiving these as your opening two cards can boost your chances of winning the pot. There is a general consensus among players that only 10 percent of poker hands make up the premium holding. They typically include high-ranking pairs or suited connectors. Playing premium starting hands is one of the best ways for poker players to get a foothold in the game when they are first starting out. Narrowing your range helps to develop a solid table image which generally draws respect from opponents. However, you must be willing to evolve your range over time.
Playing Premium Hands Pre-Flop & Post-Flop
If you are dealt a premium starting hand, consider your position on the table relative to the dealer and pay attention to the behaviour of the other players before deciding which strategy to use.
Go easy if you are in early position. The smart play may be to open with a standard raise to build the pot without overcommitting and avoid slow-playing unless you have got a strong read on passive opponents.
You can kick your aggression up a notch if you are somewhere in the middle, but premium hands are particularly game-changing when you’re in late position.
You are able to act after most players, allowing you to gather plenty of information before making decisions. Late position allows you to exploit their weaknesses with a wider range of starting hands.
However, it is worth noting that your premium starting hand may not be so premium after the flop.
This depends on the board texture or the actions of other players, but you still need to understand how to deal with those kinds of situations to avoid getting caught off guard.
Make sure to identify threats such as over-cards, possible straights or flushes. Avoid inflating the pot unnecessarily, especially with marginal hands.
It is also imperative not to get too attached to your first two cards and knowing when to fold – even a premium hand can become a liability when the community cards are dealt in Texas Hold’em.
The Consequences of Exclusively Playing Premium Hands
While playing premium hands undeniably gives you a head start by placing you in a position of strength, focusing solely on them can be problematic. If other players at the table spot your tight strategy, they could exploit it by folding to your raises or trapping you with stronger hands. Restricting your starting hand selection to premium hands does not mean you cannot hit a snag in the long run. Even if you get your chips in pre-flop holding aces against kings, your opponent still has a chance of winning the hand. If other players are also using the premium starting hand strategy, it often becomes a waiting game for two big hands to run into one another, especially in the latter stages of tournaments. Exclusively playing premium starting hands will likely help you make progress in some tournaments, but you need to be prepared to mix things up when the field narrows down.