Card games have been popular for a long, long time, giving players a chance to pit their wits against other players and outmaneuver them strategically. That’s because lots of card games include an element of strategy, especially games such as poker. The more you learn about it and the better you get at strategizing, the greater your chances of stealing an edge on the other players at the table and walking off with a greater share of the pot, if not all of it. This post looks at the importance of strategy in poker, at different poker strategies and at some of the decisions you have to make in poker.
The importance of strategy in poker
Poker blends skill, psychology and strategic thinking. If you master your strategy, you can gain a competitive edge and enjoy success at the table.
There’s a lot going on at a poker table. You’ve got to analyze your cards and, at the same time, the actions of other players, and make decisions that will keep your losses to a minimum and give you the highest gains possible.
Poker involves adaptability, deception and understanding in depth the dynamics of the game. Your strategy is a series of well thought plans and decisions to enhance your chances of winning.
Strategies you can implement in poker

Poker strategy isn’t something you can learn overnight. You’ve got to study the game and practice. At the same time, you’ve got to develop your own style of play and work out which strategies suits it best. Here are some strategy tips if you’re just getting started:
Observe other players
Some say that poker is based on the situation and that your cards are only good or bad in relation to other players’ cards, so learn to observe other players and spot any “tells.” These aren’t just nervous habits such as fiddling with rings, but also the way a person plays. If they’ve been calling all night but then suddenly raise really high, it’s likely they have a strong hand and are feeling very confident.
Think long-term as a player
To get better at poker and really grasp the basics, you’re going to have to play thousands of hands in real settings. There will be times when you’ll go all in and lose, but don’t become disheartened. Winning at poker is a long-term project.
Get aggressive
Winning at poker involves focusing and timing aggressive play well. As you master the basics, you’ll learn to ramp up the aggression at the right time. Novice players often play too cautiously, which then comes across to the rest of the table as being weak. Stronger players will pick up on this and start to bully you on the table, knowing you’ll fold under the pressure. Get aggressive on solid hands. Other players will fold quickly if they think they can’t beat you.
Be patient
Patience is essential in poker, but developing patience is a boring skill to learn and can involve a lot of folding, which isn’t fun. However, the point is to wait until a good hand comes along and then get aggressive. Folding constantly allows you to observe the other players around you and eases a little pressure now that you’re not concentrating as hard on your own game.
Hone and develop your skills
Playing is the best way to learn poker, but that doesn’t stop you from reading blogs and books about poker strategy in the meantime. The popularity of poker means there are lots of resources to choose from.
You can also practice online. Just be sure to choose the right table. If you’re playing in online poker regularly, keep to lower stakes ones that have low buy-ins. You can make notes as you go along to refine your strategy.
Important decisions players make during poker games

The decisions you make will have an impact on the game and how you fare in it. Here are some of the main decisions a player makes:
- Bankroll management: careful management of money allows you to sustain losses and recover from them.
- Hand selection: this means choosing the right hands to play, based on your position and the progress of the game.
- Bluffing: knowing how to bluff and when to do so can trigger doubt in your opponents’ minds. It can influence how they play and bet in your favor.
- Bet sizes: controlling your bet size can influence the size of the pot, give you the most value and protect your hand from possible threats
- Reading other players: learning how to read other players’ behavior, their betting tendencies and body language will give you the insight to exploit their weaknesses. You may, for instance, may get more aggressive when what you observe indicates fear, reluctance or weakness on their part.
Poker is a game of immense skill and strategy. Learning how to strategize can boost your chances of success at the tables and also your enjoyment of the game in general. Why not give it a try?